A Theological Workshop on Christian Liberty

Join us this year, on Saturday, April 20, as we host another theological worship at Grace Covenant Church. This year’s subject of study will be the doctrine of Christian Liberty. Pastor Rob Cosby from Tucson, AZ, will be presenting on this very important and ever-relevant topic.

What is a GCC theological workshop? It is a one-day class with a series of lectures on a specific area of Christian doctrine taught by someone well-studied in that theological area. The purpose of these workshops is to deepen our understanding of the truths of Scripture so that we might love God better with our minds, hearts, and souls.


The cost of attendance for the event is $20 per person, OR $30 per couple. Please register below and pay with cash or check at the event.

Registration includes complimentary snacks and coffee, along with a boxed sandwich lunch with chips, fruit, and cookies on the side, OR a full salad bar with protein options.

Payments can be made via cash or check at the conference, or via Zelle to gccdeacons1689@gmail.com. For checks and Zelle, please include your name and '“Theology Conference 2024” in the memo.


8:00a Doors Open, Check-in, Refreshments

9:00       Session 1: Introduction to Christian Liberty

9:50 Break

10:00     Session 2: Christian Liberty and the Conscience

10:50 Break

11:00     Session 3: Christian Liberty vs. Freedom of Conscience

12:00p   Lunch (provided)

1:00       Session 4: Christian Liberty and Wisdom

1:50 Break

2:00       Session 5: Christian Liberty and The Weaker Brother

2:50 Break

3:00 Q&A Session

All attendees are invited to join us on Sunday, April 21, as Pastor Cosby will be teaching further on the subject of Christian Liberty in our 9am adult Sunday school class and preaching from God’s Word for our 10:30am worship.


Pastor Rob Cosby

Rob Cosby is the pastor of Tucson Reformed Baptist Church. He is married to Christine and they have two children. He is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) and the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (IRBS) (2009). He is currently in the process of writing a book on the Doctrine of Christian Liberty.


Grace Covenant Church
1255 N. Greenfield Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85234